Monthly Training Webinar

Success Lies in the Self-Edit

Making sure every written product you send is polished and easy to read is essential for private-sector intelligence analysts, whether it's a notification on a team messaging platform, an email to a manager or a product to your stakeholders. Typos, bias, and failure to clearly and concisely articulate the impacts to business undermine the confidence […]

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Monthly Training Webinar

Getting the BLUF Right for Cyber and OSINT Analysts

Clearly and concisely articulating the impact threats pose to business, or getting the Bottom Line Up Front, is a key skill for all private sector analysts. Cyber and open-source intelligence, investigations and compliance analysts often face additional challenges translating terminology or technology specific to their domains into language that business stakeholders understand. In this webinar, […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Successful Scenarios Planning

Intelligence analysts must have a range of tools for dealing with uncertainty. When both the stakes and the uncertainty are high, scenarios analysis offers one of the most effective tools for helping business leaders evaluate and monitor key risks. Join this discussion of when and how to apply this useful structured analytic technique, including how […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Time Management for Busy Analysts

Time is a resource there is never enough of, especially when you're balancing urgent tactical reporting requirements with strategic intelligence production. Add to that training, webinars, conferences and trying to keep on top of emerging issues -- it's a lot to juggle. Come listen to our panel of seasoned analysts talk about the systems they […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Thinking Beyond the Horizon: How to Craft Strategic Assessments

As the year draws to a close, many intelligence and security teams will spend time considering what challenges may take priority in 2025. The strategic intelligence assessment process gives businesses the opportunity to sync on key issues, so it's essential that these assessments combine a deep understanding of the business, evolving trends, and the highest […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Building Strategic Intelligence Capacity and Integration in the Private Sector

Your business has invested in intelligence analysts to help manage tactical threats and foresee strategic risks. Now, more stakeholders want more products on an ever more on-demand basis. How do you poise your team for success, take care of your analysts and provide all the value the business is asking for? ERI's embedded analyst program […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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