Monthly Training Webinar

Creating Quality Infographics

Data-centered, visually-appealing intelligence analysis can capture even the busiest executive's interest. In this webinar, we'll talk about the programs and best practices that will help you depict the complex risks facing your organization using engaging and informative infographics. The webinar is free for ERI Situation Room, Analysis and Training subscribers and $50 for non-subscribers.

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Data and Visualizations for Intelligence Analysts

This three-part training is designed to help intelligence analysts learn more about using data and visualizations effectively in their work. The virtual course will equip analysts with the tools and knowledge to expand their use of data and graphics to strengthen their analysis, with exercises in the Emergent Risk Situation Room™. Wednesdays, October 25 – […]

Cost: $500 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Adapt or Die: AI & Intelligence Analysis

AI is creating opportunities that can enable intelligence business and security professionals to work with improved efficiency. But it also poses new challenges to the field of private sector intelligence analysis. including escalation of the proliferation of disinformation. CEO Meredith Wilson will examine both sides of this new technology. Attendees will come away with an […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Intelligence Analysis Writing Workshop

Tyson’s Corner, VA  Intelligence analysis, collection and tradecraft are important, but none of it matters if the key message isn’t crafted to the end users’ specific information gaps and needs. Indeed, in private sector intelligence, writing to reach distinctly different target audiences, with different information needs and appetites can be the most challenging aspect of […]

Cost: $550 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers

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Monthly Training Webinar

How to Get to Know Your Organization as a Private Sector Intelligence Analyst

In order to understand the impacts outside events will have on your organization, you first have to understand the organization itself. What does it do, how and where does it do it, and what does it need to get the job done. Where do you find this information? We’ll discuss a number of resources private […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Ten Scenarios to Consider for 2024

ERI prepares an annual Strategic Intelligence Estimate that helps our clients prepare for the year ahead. We’ll unveil our report and our findings in January, but tune in to this webinar as our Director and Deputy Director of Analysis discuss the geopolitical trends that are driving our SIE process.

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Monthly Training Webinar

Master Class: Using Intelligence to Better Manage Crisis

Build strategies for effective intelligence monitoring to assess and prepare for crisis scenarios – and support rapid decision-making during the actual event. While tactical real-time information is always needed, strategic intelligence inputs and planning ahead of time can be the difference between safe and secure personnel and operations or a physical security, legal and reputation […]

Cost: $700 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Monthly Office Hours – Emergent Risk Situation Room

Join us each month for an "office hours" session designed to enhance your skills on our data visualization platform, the Emergent Risk Situation Room. ERI analysts will lead the session with a short demonstration of a different function of the platform each month, followed by an open Q&A session for Situation Room users.   Agenda […]

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Monthly Training Webinar

Writing in a Crisis

When crises hit, your intel team needs to know the best way to inform decision-makers about the impacts to your organization. We will review best practices for implementing, designing and publishing situation reporting that will get decision-makers the information they need — fast. The webinar is free for ERI Situation Room, Analysis and Training subscribers […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Countering Bias in Intelligence

Analytic objectivity is a key principle of tradecraft for intelligence analysts. Limiting the influence of biases -- unconscious cognitive biases as well as political and personal bias -- is crucial to establishing and maintaining the trust of your consumer base. ERI's Deputy Director of Analysis Jackie Boachie will discuss how to recognize and mitigate source […]

Cost: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Monthly Office Hours – Emergent Risk Situation Room

Join us each month for an "office hours" session designed to enhance your skills on our data visualization platform, the Emergent Risk Situation Room. ERI analysts will lead the session with a short demonstration of a different function of the platform each month, followed by an open Q&A session for Situation Room users.   Agenda […]

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Monthly Training Webinar

Data and Visualization for Intelligence Analysts

This is a three-part training designed for intelligence analysts to help them learn more about using data and visualizations effectively. This training will equip analysts with the tools and knowledge to expand their use of data and visualizations to be more effective and deeper – helping them bridge the gap between their analysis and their […]

Cost: $500 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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