Tag: Geopolitics

Global Unrest Deep Data Dive

Join us for the first Global Unrest Deep Data Dive from Emergent Risk International (ERI) and ACLED. In this webinar, we’ll talk through how ACLED meticulously sources their data and then how ERI translates this data into concise analysis, using current topical areas: the US, Israel-Palestine and Bangladesh. You will get the opportunity to pose your questions too.

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The Emergent RiskIQ now incorporates access to Armed Conflict Location & Event Data (ACLED)

Emergent Risk International (ERI) is pleased to announce the integration of ACLED (Armed Conflict Location & Event Data) access into The Emergent RiskIQ, a leading SaaS platform that provides data on demand, analysis and tools for risk intelligence professionals. The partnership brings together two leading sources of geopolitical data and analysis to create deeper and more customized insights for our clients.This new collaboration is forged with a common goal of enabling leading business continuity, resilience, crisis management and security teams to make swift, effective and...

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Master Class: Geopolitics and Regulation

Geopolitical challenges are not just security issues – they cross the gamut from regulatory hurdles to environmental and social conflict – and they are ever present in our international business dealings. In this class we’ll talk about ways that leaders can use strategic intelligence to assess the impact of geopolitical trends on regulation, beyond immediate risk to operations to longer-term implications that result from changes to vendor and client requirements as well as international systems. ERI’s series of master classes is designed for senior-level risk management and business...

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