Tag: Intelligence Training

Advanced Corporate Intelligence Analysis – Virtual

Businesses increasingly rely on sophisticated intelligence analysis to help mitigate a growing number of complex risks. Organizations need analysts with a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of risk and evolving threats to the corporate landscape to ensure business resilience. Which is why we took our framework for our successful course on Corporate Intelligence Analysis, Tradecraft, and Writing for the business environment to the next level. And just like our CIATW, our Advanced Corporate Intelligence Analysis course is recognized by ASIS International as aligning with the...

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Corporate Intelligence Analysis, Tradecraft and Writing – Virtual

ERI’s Corporate Intelligence Analysis, Tradecraft and Writing course sets industry standards to get your intelligence function producing efficiently and effectively. Participants will receive access to the online Emergent Risk Training Room where they will work through each week’s lessons at their own pace, with weekly check-ins for two hours per week to ensure participants are able to immediately:Enable business through data-driven intelligence analysis, including domains outside physical security Align intelligence requirements to your organization’s value chain Evaluate open-source...

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Refining OSINT Research Skills & Tools

Organizations are increasingly concerned about managing threats — especially against senior leaders — and are leaning on intelligence and GSOC teams to help to further understand these vulnerabilities. Join us for a panel discussion on key OSINT tools and research methods designed for those who wish to enhance their web searching and monitoring skills to respond to incidents and stay ahead of threats. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers

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Strategic Intelligence Estimate 2025: The Geopolitics of a New Era

We are pleased to present our annual forecast, Strategic Intelligence Estimate 2025: The Geopolitics of a New Era, created to assist our clients in their strategic planning for the coming year. An essential read for decision-makers concerned with anticipating geopolitical, strategic, security, stability, crisis and cyber risks.In ‘The Geopolitics of a New Era,’ Emergent Risk International’s global team of intelligence experts tackle Geopolitics and AI with a lens towards major issues, including; global security, political risk, the environment, regulation and current and future...

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Corporate Intelligence Analysis, Tradecraft and Writing – Virtual

ERI’s Corporate Intelligence Analysis, Tradecraft and Writing course sets industry standards to get your intelligence function producing efficiently and effectively. Participants will receive access to the online Emergent Risk Training Room where they will work through each week’s lessons at their own pace, with weekly check-ins for two hours per week to ensure participants are able to immediately:Enable business through data-driven intelligence analysis, including domains outside physical security Align intelligence requirements to your organization’s value chain Evaluate open-source...

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Getting the BLUF Right for Cyber and OSINT Analysts

Clearly and concisely articulating the impact threats pose to business, or getting the Bottom Line Up Front, is a key skill for all private sector analysts. Cyber and open-source intelligence, investigations and compliance analysts often face additional challenges translating terminology or technology specific to their domains into language that business stakeholders understand. In this webinar, we’ll discuss how to align cybersecurity and OSINT analysis with the business bottom line so that your products better resonate with leadership. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for...

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Successful Scenarios Planning

Intelligence analysts must have a range of tools for dealing with uncertainty. When both the stakes and the uncertainty are high, scenarios analysis offers one of the most effective tools for helping business leaders evaluate and monitor key risks. Join this discussion of when and how to apply this useful structured analytic technique, including how to best communicate the value these options provide to decision-makers. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers

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Time Management for Busy Analysts

Time is a resource there is never enough of, especially when you’re balancing urgent tactical reporting requirements with strategic intelligence production. Add to that training, webinars, conferences and trying to keep on top of emerging issues — it’s a lot to juggle. Come listen to our panel of seasoned analysts talk about the systems they use to maximize efficiency and stay ahead of deadlines. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers

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Thinking Beyond the Horizon: How to Craft Strategic Assessments

As the year draws to a close, many intelligence and security teams will spend time considering what challenges may take priority in 2025. The strategic intelligence assessment process gives businesses the opportunity to sync on key issues, so it’s essential that these assessments combine a deep understanding of the business, evolving trends, and the highest analytic tradecraft. Our analysis leaders will talk about how they approach this process, laying out best practices that will help your teams. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers

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Building Strategic Intelligence Capacity and Integration in the Private Sector

Your business has invested in intelligence analysts to help manage tactical threats and foresee strategic risks. Now, more stakeholders want more products on an ever more on-demand basis. How do you poise your team for success, take care of your analysts and provide all the value the business is asking for? ERI’s embedded analyst program and training leadership will talk about how to strengthen the teams that you have, plan for the teams you need and integrate the products into corporate decision-making to ensure continued leadership investment. COST: $50 for non-subscribers, free for...

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Mastering Crisis Management Through Strategic Intel

In this webinar on using intelligence to better manage crisis, participants will discuss strategies for effective intelligence monitoring to assess and prepare for crisis scenarios – and support rapid decision-making during the actual event. While tactical real-time information is always needed, strategic intelligence inputs and planning ahead of can be the difference between safe and secure personnel and operations or a physical security, legal and reputation disaster.   This webinar will encompass the following key elements: Understanding Corporate Readiness for Geo-strategic...

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