What We Offer

We help you to navigate uncertain waters

ERI provides the intelligence to understand the landscape, the insights to plan your next move, and the people to launch your organization into action.

Analysis Products

Look no further than your inbox for comprehensive risk assessment across all geographies and threat categories. Written from a business-first perspective, our analysis identifies potential pitfalls and untapped opportunities.

 Analysis Products

 Data On-Demand

Emergent RiskIQ

Emergent RiskIQ Intelligence at Your Fingertips. Uncover Insights. Analyze Risks. Drive Decisions. In an era of ‘alternative facts’ the need for high-quality data to improve accuracy, analysis, and audience engagement is more critical than ever.

Embedded Services

For over a decade, Emergent Risk International has been the trusted partner for major corporations seeking to build their intelligence capabilities within corporate security and crisis management. 




We provide in-house and outside group training that enhances your intelligence mission, builds effective networks, identifies opportunity in risk, improves writing, and strengthens internal customer relationships.


Whether it’s developing a proposal to start an in-house program, building out a budget, designing a product line, determining a timeline for expanding your intelligence program, or coaching analysts on business writing – we can help.

In-House Program Design

Our Partners

Global risk and uncertainty translated into opportunity

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