Monthly Training Webinar

Master Class: Using Intelligence to Better Manage Crisis

Build strategies for effective intelligence monitoring to assess and prepare for crisis scenarios – and support rapid decision-making during the actual event. While tactical real-time information is always needed, strategic intelligence inputs and planning ahead of time can be the difference between safe and secure personnel and operations or a physical security, legal and reputation […]

Cost: $700 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Boston Live Crisis Management Tabletop: Navigating Regional Conflict

The rapid escalation of regional conflicts can pose significant challenges for organizations operating in affected areas, particularly regarding the safety of national and expatriate employees, maintaining client relationships, and upholding supply chain, business continuity, and recovery. This interactive live in-person session presents a comprehensive geopolitical tabletop exercise that simulates a regional conflict between two countries, […]

Cost: $350 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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Monthly Training Webinar

Master Class: Geopolitics and Regulation

Geopolitical challenges are not just security issues – they cross the gamut from regulatory hurdles to environmental and social conflict – and they are ever present in our international business dealings. In this class we’ll talk about ways that leaders can use strategic intelligence to assess the impact of geopolitical trends on regulation, beyond immediate […]

Cost: $700 for non-subscribers, free for subscribers
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