Tag: AI

Master Class: How Disinformation is Undermining Reputation and Physical Security

Targeted and elections-related disinformation poses an increasing risk to global brands, but also operations and personnel worldwide. Pushed by state actors, associated gray zone groups, and activists – and propelled by AI – growing pollution of the information ecosystem will make it harder for organizations to base decisions on credible information while making it easier for adversaries to make damaging allegations that sometimes raise risk to employees, facilities and cyberinfrastructure. Strong, coordinated, informed corporate leadership will be required to mitigate these rapidly...

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Master Class: AI in Corporate Intelligence – Challenges and Efficiencies

Artificial Intelligence can build capacity, save money, and enable security teams to work with improved efficiency, as well as with integrity. But to do this, leaders must understand and embrace the coming changes that AI will bring while building policies and awareness across the team to ensure that downside risks like disinformation and ethical considerations are always front of mind in this new frontier. ERI’s series of master classes is designed for senior-level risk management and business professionals seeking to improve business resilience by integrating strategic intelligence...

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